Building an XML Validator and Autocorrect with JavaScript

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is widely used for storing and transporting data, but working with XML can sometimes be challenging, especially when it comes to validation and autocorrection. In this blog post, we'll walk through the creation of a simple XML Validator and Autocorrector using HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap for styling. We'll explain each function in detail, discuss the usefulness of this tool, explore its limitations, and address any potential security issues.


First, let's create the HTML file that will serve as the user interface for our XML Validator and Autocorrector:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>XML Validator and Autocorrector</title>
<!-- Bootstrap CSS -->
<link href="" rel="stylesheet">
.container {
    margin-top: 30px;
.result {
    white-space: pre-wrap;
    word-wrap: break-word;
<div class="container">
    <h1 class="text-center">XML Validator and Autocorrector</h1>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="xmlInput">Enter your XML here:</label>
        <textarea id="xmlInput" class="form-control" rows="10" placeholder="Enter your XML here..."></textarea>
    <button onclick="validateAndAutocorrectInput()" class="btn btn-primary">Validate and Autocorrect XML</button>
    <div class="form-group">
        <label for="correctedXmlOutput">Autocorrected XML will appear here:</label>
        <textarea id="correctedXmlOutput" class="form-control" rows="10" placeholder="Autocorrected XML will appear here..."></textarea>
    <button onclick="copyToClipboard()" class="btn btn-secondary">Copy to Clipboard</button>
    <p id="result" class="result mt-3"></p>
<!-- Bootstrap JS and dependencies -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>

Function Explanations

1. validateXML(xmlString):
Parses the XML string using the `DOMParser` API. Checks for parsing errors by looking for `parsererror` elements. Returns an object indicating whether the XML is valid and includes an error message if it's not.

2. autocorrectXML(xmlString):
Replaces any `&` not followed by `;` to handle special characters. Closes self-closing tags by replacing them with explicit closing tags. Returns the autocorrected XML string.

3. validateAndAutocorrectInput():
Retrieves the XML input from the textarea. Validates the XML using the `validateXML` function. If valid, displays the message and sets the corrected XML output. If invalid, attempts to autocorrect the XML using the `autocorrectXML` function and revalidates it. Displays the validation or autocorrection result in the result paragraph and the corrected XML output textarea.

4. copyToClipboard():
Selects the text in the corrected XML output textarea. Copies the selected text to the clipboard. Displays an alert to confirm the action.

5. Full Javascript Codes:

function validateXML(xmlString) {
var parser = new DOMParser();
var xmlDoc = parser.parseFromString(xmlString, "application/xml");    if (xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length > 0) {
var error = xmlDoc.getElementsByTagName("parsererror")[0];
var errorMsg = error.textContent;
return { isValid: false, message: errorMsg };
    return { isValid: true, message: "Valid XML!" };
}function autocorrectXML(xmlString) {
// Replace any & not followed by ; to handle special characters
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/&(?![a-zA-Z]+;)/g, '&');// Close self-closing tags
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/<(\w+)([^>]*)\/>/g, "<$1$2>");// Ensure proper space after PI () open tag
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/<\?(\w+)([^\s])/g, ") close tag
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/<\?([^?]*[^?\s])\?(?!>)/g, "");// Ensure CDATA sections are properly closed
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/)$/, '');// Ensure comments are properly closed
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/');// Ensure tags are properly nested (basic correction)
xmlString = xmlString.replace(/<\/?(\w+)([^>]*)>/g, function (match, tagName, attributes) {
var stack = [];
var corrected = match;
if (match.startsWith("/, "");
} else {
return corrected;
});// Add more autocorrection logic as neededreturn xmlString;
}function validateAndAutocorrectInput() {
    var xmlString = document.getElementById("xmlInput").value;
    var validation = validateXML(xmlString);
    var resultElement = document.getElementById("result");
    var correctedXmlOutput = document.getElementById("correctedXmlOutput");    if (validation.isValid) {
resultElement.innerHTML = validation.message; = "green";
correctedXmlOutput.value = xmlString;
    } else {
var correctedXML = autocorrectXML(xmlString);
var correctedValidation = validateXML(correctedXML);if (correctedValidation.isValid) {
    resultElement.innerHTML = `Autocorrected XML:
`; = "green"; correctedXmlOutput.value = correctedXML; } else { resultElement.innerHTML = `${validation.message}
`; = "red"; correctedXmlOutput.value = ""; } } }function copyToClipboard() { var correctedXmlOutput = document.getElementById("correctedXmlOutput");; document.execCommand("copy"); alert("Autocorrected XML copied to clipboard!"); }

Usefulness of the Tool

This XML Validator and Autocorrector tool is useful for several reasons:

  • Easy Validation: Quickly validate XML input and detect errors, making it easier to work with XML data.
  • Autocorrection: Automatically corrects common XML errors, saving time and reducing manual corrections.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Provides a simple and intuitive interface for users to input, validate, and autocorrect XML data.
  • Clipboard Functionality: Easily copy the corrected XML to the clipboard for further use.

Validate your XML File for free

Click here to see the code in live action and start validating your xml.

Limitations and Security Issues

While this tool is quite handy, it does have some limitations and potential security issues:

  • Limited Autocorrection: The autocorrection logic is basic and may not handle all types of XML errors. More complex errors may require manual intervention.
  • Performance: For very large XML files, the validation and autocorrection process may be slow and may not handle performance issues efficiently.
  • Security Risks: If the tool is deployed on a web server, it could be vulnerable to XSS (Cross-Site Scripting) attacks if proper sanitization and security measures are not implemented. Always ensure proper sanitization of user inputs to prevent such attacks.
  • Browser Compatibility: The `DOMParser` API is widely supported, but some older browsers may not support it. Ensure compatibility with the target audience's browsers.


In this blog post, we built a simple XML Validator and Autocorrect tool using HTML, JavaScript, and Bootstrap. We walked through the creation of the HTML and JavaScript files, explained each function, and discussed the usefulness of the tool, its limitations, and potential security issues. This tool can be a valuable asset for developers and users working with XML data, providing an easy and efficient way to validate and autocorrect XML input.

Feel free to expand and enhance the tool based on your specific needs. Happy coding!

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